Katharine Knowlton

2440 Litton-Reaves Hall
175 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dr. Katharine Knowlton grew up on a dairy farm in Connecticut and earned her B.S. in Animal Science at Cornell University, her M.S. at Michigan State and her Ph.D. at the University of Maryland. She is a professor in the Department of Dairy Science at Virginia Tech with research and teaching programs focused on environmental issues affecting the dairy industry. Dr. Knowton is serves as coach of the Virginia Tech dairy judging team (national champions in 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2013!!), judges dairy shows across the US, and owns a small herd of Jersey cows. She is Principal Investigator or co-PI on $11.2 million in externally funded grants, and has authored 67 peer-reviewed papers.
- Courses taught: Animal Agriculture and the Environment (DASC/APSC 3134); Dairy Cattle Evaluation (DASC 2484); Dairy Handling 101; Dairy Science First Year Experience
- Lead undergraduate advisor and Curriculum Coordinator
- Coach of the Virginia Tech Dairy Judging Team
(National champions 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2013)
- Excretion and environmental fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant genes by livestock
- Phosphorus intake and excretion in lactating cows
- Knowlton, K. F. and P. P. Ray. 2014. Water-related issues in sustainability: Nitrogen and phosphorus management. In E. Kebraib (Ed.) Sustainable Animal Agriculture. CAB International.
- Ray, P. P., Z. Zhao and K. F. Knowlton. 2014. Emerging contaminants in livestock manure: Hormones, antibiotics, and antibiotic resistance genes. In E. Kebraib (Ed.) Sustainable Animal Agriculture. CAB International.
- Knowlton, K. F., D. K. Beede and E. Kebreab. 2010. Phosphorus and Calcium Requirements of Ruminants. pp 112-132 In D. Vitti and E. Kebraib (Ed.) Phosphorus and Calcium Utilization and Requirements in Farm Animals. CAB International.
- Z. Zhao, K. F. Knowlton and N. G. Love. 2008. Hormones in Waste from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. pp 292-329 In D. Aga (Ed.), Fate of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment and in Water Treatment Systems. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Books.
Refereed Book Reviews
- Knowlton, K. F. 2004. Review of "Minerals in Animal and Human Nutrition, 2nd edition". Poultry Sci. 83: 132.
Dr. Knowlton is Principal or Co-Principal Investigator on $11.2 million in externally funded grants for research on environmental issues pertaining to animal agriculture. Funding agencies include USDA, NSF, industry groups, and conservation organizations.
Ongoing Projects
- Reducing Antibiotic Resistance from Farm to Fork
- Public attitudes regarding the therapeutic use of antibiotics in the dairy industry
- Increase understanding of the interaction of animal agriculture and the environment
- Effect of nutrition on nutrient excretion by dairy cows, and potential impact on water quality
- 2021 Favorite Faculty Award
- 2014 named The Colonel Horace E. Alphin Professorship of Dairy Science
- 2014 International Visiting Research Scholar, Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies,
University of British Columbia
2011 Dedicatee, the Milky Way (annual publication of the Dairy Club at Virginia Tech)
- 2008 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) , Cargill Young Scientist Award
2008 Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Virginia Tech, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- 2005 ADSA Foundation Scholar Lecture Award in Dairy Production
2001 Epsilon Sigma Phi National Honorary Extension Fraternity, State Team Award
- 1997 ADSA Graduate Student Paper Competition winner
1995-96 Purina Mills Graduate Research Fellowship
- 1996 University of MD College of Agriculture, Richard F. Davis Memorial Scholarship
1992-95 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- 1994 American Feed Industry Association Graduate Scholarship
1994 American Jersey Cattle Association/Bansen Scholarship
1992 Purina Mills Graduate Research Fellowship (declined for NSF fellowship)
- 2014 - present, The Colonel Horace E. Alphine Professor in Dairy Science
- 2010-2014 - Professor, Department of Dairy Science, Virginia Tech
2005-2010 - Associate Professor, Department of Dairy Science, Virginia Tech- 2000-2005 - Assistant Professor, Department of Dairy Science, Virginia Tech
- 1997-1999 - Research Scientist. Department of Dairy Science, Virginia Tech
1993-1997 - Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences,
University of Maryland
1991-1993 - Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University
1990-1991 - Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Cornell University
1984-1987 - Farm Manager, Mixed livestock and dairy farm, Portland, Connecticutt
Ph.D | 1997 | University of Maryland & USDA-ARS Beltsville: Dairy Nutrition |
M.S. | 1993 | Michigan State University: Dairy Nutrition |
B.S. | 1991 | Cornell University: Animal Science |
Areas of Expertise
Excretion and environmental fate of antibiotics and antibiotic resistant genes by livestock
Environmental issues associated with animal agriculture, including nutrient pollution of ground and surface water
Impact of nutrition and herd management on nutrient losses from dairy farms
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When cows compete, people win. (Kids Tech University. An interactive session led by Katharine F. Knowlton)