2020 - Present Judging Teams
World Dairy Expo
Ask any past participate of a youth dairy judging contest and they're likely to tell you, the contest offers valuable life lessons while creating memories.
Video Creation: Masters Choice
Featuring: Virginia Tech Dairy Science
Contest Results: www.worlddairyexpo.com
(from @WorldDairyExpo)
2021 Team Results
- 2nd Overall Team
- 2nd Oral Reason Team
- 1st in Ayrshires Team
- 1st in Guernseys Team
- 1st in Jerseys Team
- 1st in Milking Shorthorns Team
- 2nd Red and Whites Team
Individual Results:
- 3rd Individual Ayrshires
- 2nd Individual Guernseys
- 7th Individual Milking Shorthorns
- 10th Individual in Placings
- 12th Individual (Overall)
- 8th Individual Holsteins
- 4th Individual Milking Shorthorns
- 5th Individual in Placings
- 4th Individual in Oral Reasons
- 3rd Individual (Overall)
- 2nd Individual Ayrshires
- 5th Individual Jerseys
- 5th Individual Milking Shorthorns
- 10th Individual Red and Whites
- 20th Individual (Overall)
- 8th individual Guernseys
- 8th individual Red and Whites
- 23rd individual (Overall)